Adding a new contact on Session is simple. All you need to do is send them a message. Before you start, you'll need your new contact's Account ID, or their QR code. Follow these steps:
Mobile (iOS and Android)
1. Tap the plus (+) button at the bottom of the main screen.
2. Select "New Message".
3. Enter your contact's Account ID, or scan their QR code, and hit "Next".
4. Send a message to your contact. They will receive this as a message request.
5. Once your contact has accepted your message request, you can start chatting with them.
1. Click the plus (+) button to the left of "Messages".
2. Select "New Message".
3. Enter your contact's Account ID and hit "Next".
4. Send a message to your contact. They will receive this as a message request.
5. Once your contact has accepted your message request, you can start chatting with them.